Sunday, June 29, 2008

Weekend Update

It's been a couple of days since I've written anything! The weekend just kind of flew by, although every day feels like the weekend when you're a teacher on summer break! :)

Things are switching now to more of a recovery mode. The Big Ditch is holding and it's becoming more safe to say it held. woo hoo! People that live on the dry side of the Big Ditch are slowly starting to move back to their homes. What a relief for them! I only wish I was helping my parents move back in this week!

We had quite a bit of rain the past few days, as much as three inches in some areas. However, the water is continuing to go down in the flooded area, which is obviously great! The terrible part has been the wind. High wind has been causing havoc for structures that are weak or have seemingly made it so far. There were supposedly 6-8 foot waves in the water. Imagine those crashing on a weak house. Seems like the water should've been enough. Why the wind now, too?

Mom, Dad, Nikki, and I went to the Big Ditch today to look. You can obviously tell the water is down. We looked through some binoculars towards our house. It's hard to completely tell, but it looks like some siding is off the front of the house, underneath the bay window. sigh. Dad is hoping to get out on the boat tomorrow and I'm going to try to tag along.

I went to church this morning and ended up in a small group of ten people, a few that had been affected by the flood. One woman and her husband had lost their entire crop, a machine shed, and their brand-new grain bin. She was obviously very upset by this, but her faith was strikingly strong. She mentioned Job and how he had lost everything, but God had rewarded him with even more because of his faith. That's what this woman was holding to. She had faith that in the midst of losing their income for this year, God would provide and would bless them with more. Wow! It was a great reminder of what God is all about and His faithfulness to us.

"The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away;
may the name of the LORD be praised." ~Job 1:21

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the update!