Thursday, September 25, 2008

Today's Events

I really didn't plan to post tonight, but today was CRAZY.

1. Turned my lesson plans in - deemed great!
2. Turned documentation in to principal - just fine!
3. Had my first principal observation (total surprise) - all exceeds or proficients!
4. Called a "master teacher" by my team leader - woo hoo!
5. IEPs finished!
6. Having one of my students see me when they come into the room, shout, "Miss Stoller!" and run to me, giving me a huge hug.

Considering last year's disaster, having all of this come just a month into school is a huge confidence builder. I now know where the expectations are for my principal and know I'm well filling them. I'm exactly where I should be!

1. Dealing with parent custody issues of a student - whatever you do, don't have children, get divorced, and become bitter.
2. Got my first speeding ticket in Texas - not only that, in a construction zone, with workers present. Yikes. Hey, in my defense, it was a four lane road with a median and all of the worker were on the other side. :)

1. Watching Jim propose to Pam in the season opener of "The Office." Ahh.....

Good night!

Busy, Busy, Busy

It's 5:58 a.m. and I'm writing a blog post. Ridiculous. But it has to be quick because I need to be at work early. AGAIN.

It's just been one of those crazy weeks. I'm still loving my job, but I've had a mountain of paperwork to do. I have three ARD (admission, review, dismissal) meetings next week. This is where I present a new IEP for a special education student to their parents, along with some school staff. That means I've had three IEPs to write this week, and each takes awhile. When I did it at the elementary level, I could whip one out in no time. However, goal writing is very different at the prekindergarten level, and I have to look at all aspects of the student: preacademics, social skills, self-care, and fine motor skills. On top of that it's my week to turn in my lesson plans to my principal, so I spent a few hours on them to make them perfect.

I did take some time to get a MUCH-needed pedicure last night. Except, I brought my school bag in and worked while they rubbed my feet. Not nearly as enjoyable, but I do have pretty toes now!

Now that the school work is done, I may be able to rest. Oh wait - I have a three hour ESL certification study group after work, a cheesecake to bake, groceries to buy for that cheesecake, people to call, and two events to go to after school tomorrow. And "The Office" premiere is tonight, which is CAN'T MISS. Don't even try to call me between 8:00 and 9:00 tonight. I won't answer. :) Oh, and very friend Joy and I might be booking our fall weekend trip to Washington D.C. today or tomorrow! Can't wait to go!

And through it all, I love it. There's very, very little I would change. Except, perhaps, a couple more hours on my pillow.

See you here this weekend.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


I love having conversations about life. Whether they're light-hearted or deep, you get to know someone well, and in doing so, you connect with them even more. The memory of my first deep conversation happened in the Columbus High School cafeteria in February of 1995. I was a sophomore, and I found myself sitting across the table from Jennifer Carter, who I had known for years, but not that well. We were wasting time between speeches at the individual district speech. That time was definitely not wasted, as it cemented a best friendship that has strongly lasted for thirteen years. Even after different colleges, three states apart, and a marriage for her, she's still the one I go to first when something big is happening. Love ya Jen!

Yesterday I had the privilege of TWO life conversations. One was with Ashley, my accountability partner. Over pancakes and eggs, for two hours we discussed everything from boys to our devotions to job stuff. It was GOOD. I always look forward to our Saturday mornings together.

The other one happened last night, and as I'm writing this, I'm realizing that conversation may have to be a separate post. A group of us went to the Plano Balloon Festival, and a small mixed group of us ended up at Ashley's. What took place there was a long, light-hearted, but also deeper conversation about what we desire in marriage. The girls came up with a list of ten things we desire to have in marriage and then the guys did the same. It was good and encouraging.

Sometimes as singles (or at least the groups I've been a part of), we shy away from talking about marriage. But the reality is that we all want it, and most of us will end up in it. So why not talk about it? It doesn't mean we're desparate. We talk about the other dreams we have: traveling, career goals, saving for a house. Why not talk about the one big dream we all have in common as singles? Anyway, I loved the conversation and I'm going to try to remember the lists we came up with. :)

The Dallas - Green Bay football game is on tonight. I'm so lucky to have found two other girls in this insane Cowboys city who are likeminded diehard Cheeseheads. They're on their way over to my apartment and we're going to watch the game together. I don't have high hopes, but I know we CAN win if everything goes right! GO PACK GO!!!!

Thanks for reading!

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Lovely topic for the first personal post, huh? But, we all deal with it on a daily basis, so we might as well talk about it, right?

I love catch phrases, or sentences that immediately hit home. They're things I keep in the back of my mind to help me in a situation later one. My pastor, Chuck Swindoll, is great at this. In every sermon, he has these little "nuggets" that make you go, "huh."

Last week in my singles' adult fellowship, the teacher, Mark, gave one that I really identified with. We were in Genesis, talking about Adam and Eve eating the forbidden fruit. It was this:

"Doubting God is usually a precursor to sin."

I think about recent situations or those in the past and I realize how true that is for me. The reason I usually chose to sin was because I was doubting God, in doubting He would bring a really great guy along, or because I wanted to fit in, or whatever. I didn't trust God, and so I took things in my own hands, which usually led to sin.

Good stuff to think about! :)


I made some blog changes - obviously!! :) It's no longer really summer, so "summer stories" doesn't apply. I am DEFINITELY going to be still posting news on the flood, so if you've been following along for that, keep coming! However, this is going to turn into a more personal blog of things I experience or thoughts or ideas I am mulling around. All of that to say - keep reading! I've been thinking about what I want to post and have several ideas. I even have a post brewing for this afternoon. :)

I'm off to have brunch with my fantastic accountability partner, Ashley. I love meeting with her. It's always a very deep, honest time of sharing our lives.

Stay tuned!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

HELLO out there....

Hi all.

1. Yes, I realize it's been about a month since I posted.

2. Sorry about that. Life got busy again once school started.

3. Speaking of school - I LOVE IT. I can't even explain how much I love it.

4. Life is GOOD. I have complete joy - something I've never really experienced, or for long.

5. Hence, I'm making lots of changes. Woo hoo.

6. Changes means goal-setting. One goal - write at least 3 times a week on this blog, even if just a few sentences.

7. No, I didn't get hit by Ike. Just some rain. Helped serve food to the evacuees in Dallas last Saturday.

8. Still lots going on in Iowa. They got a TON of rain last week. The farm had water all over it again.

9. No, my parents have not made a decision on whether to rebuild or build elsewhere. Stay tuned - a decision is coming to a blog near you!

10. God is good all the time, and all the time, God is good.
