Thursday, September 25, 2008

Today's Events

I really didn't plan to post tonight, but today was CRAZY.

1. Turned my lesson plans in - deemed great!
2. Turned documentation in to principal - just fine!
3. Had my first principal observation (total surprise) - all exceeds or proficients!
4. Called a "master teacher" by my team leader - woo hoo!
5. IEPs finished!
6. Having one of my students see me when they come into the room, shout, "Miss Stoller!" and run to me, giving me a huge hug.

Considering last year's disaster, having all of this come just a month into school is a huge confidence builder. I now know where the expectations are for my principal and know I'm well filling them. I'm exactly where I should be!

1. Dealing with parent custody issues of a student - whatever you do, don't have children, get divorced, and become bitter.
2. Got my first speeding ticket in Texas - not only that, in a construction zone, with workers present. Yikes. Hey, in my defense, it was a four lane road with a median and all of the worker were on the other side. :)

1. Watching Jim propose to Pam in the season opener of "The Office." Ahh.....

Good night!


Anne Spencer said...

what a day, Steph.
Congrats on the observation and encouragement--I know it's well earned and deserved.
going to have to check out this "Office" phenomenon....
Happy Friday

DavitaJo said...

What a great day!!! I'm so glad to read that your school year is going so well. What a blessing!

pianogal said...

Ditto on the new school year. I had my first eval. and it was so much better htan last year. I LOVE my principal!

JCC said...

Good things:

1. Election day is nearing, so we should stop having to listen to political news about 75 years from now.

2. You have your holiday travel plans decided and/or booked.

3. Fall break is right around the corner for you!

Not-so-good things:

1. You miss your bestie back home.

2. You wish you had a dog to cuddle with.

3. You wish it'd be a little more like fall in Texas (weather-wise), AND, are jealous of the near $2.00 gas in SE IA.

This concludes our summary of updates... your turn again! :) Have a great day!