Sunday, September 21, 2008


I love having conversations about life. Whether they're light-hearted or deep, you get to know someone well, and in doing so, you connect with them even more. The memory of my first deep conversation happened in the Columbus High School cafeteria in February of 1995. I was a sophomore, and I found myself sitting across the table from Jennifer Carter, who I had known for years, but not that well. We were wasting time between speeches at the individual district speech. That time was definitely not wasted, as it cemented a best friendship that has strongly lasted for thirteen years. Even after different colleges, three states apart, and a marriage for her, she's still the one I go to first when something big is happening. Love ya Jen!

Yesterday I had the privilege of TWO life conversations. One was with Ashley, my accountability partner. Over pancakes and eggs, for two hours we discussed everything from boys to our devotions to job stuff. It was GOOD. I always look forward to our Saturday mornings together.

The other one happened last night, and as I'm writing this, I'm realizing that conversation may have to be a separate post. A group of us went to the Plano Balloon Festival, and a small mixed group of us ended up at Ashley's. What took place there was a long, light-hearted, but also deeper conversation about what we desire in marriage. The girls came up with a list of ten things we desire to have in marriage and then the guys did the same. It was good and encouraging.

Sometimes as singles (or at least the groups I've been a part of), we shy away from talking about marriage. But the reality is that we all want it, and most of us will end up in it. So why not talk about it? It doesn't mean we're desparate. We talk about the other dreams we have: traveling, career goals, saving for a house. Why not talk about the one big dream we all have in common as singles? Anyway, I loved the conversation and I'm going to try to remember the lists we came up with. :)

The Dallas - Green Bay football game is on tonight. I'm so lucky to have found two other girls in this insane Cowboys city who are likeminded diehard Cheeseheads. They're on their way over to my apartment and we're going to watch the game together. I don't have high hopes, but I know we CAN win if everything goes right! GO PACK GO!!!!

Thanks for reading!


JCC said...

Aw, you're so sweet. We have had quite a friendship ever since that day, haven't we? Time flew that day like it never has before or since. Yay for us! :)

Anne Spencer said...

Amen, Steph. Those are the best conversations in the world and those moments are little treasures in the heart. Also, agree with your point that it's seems to be a topic that we shy away from when it's a healthy thing to discuss.
Have a blessed week.