Saturday, September 20, 2008


Lovely topic for the first personal post, huh? But, we all deal with it on a daily basis, so we might as well talk about it, right?

I love catch phrases, or sentences that immediately hit home. They're things I keep in the back of my mind to help me in a situation later one. My pastor, Chuck Swindoll, is great at this. In every sermon, he has these little "nuggets" that make you go, "huh."

Last week in my singles' adult fellowship, the teacher, Mark, gave one that I really identified with. We were in Genesis, talking about Adam and Eve eating the forbidden fruit. It was this:

"Doubting God is usually a precursor to sin."

I think about recent situations or those in the past and I realize how true that is for me. The reason I usually chose to sin was because I was doubting God, in doubting He would bring a really great guy along, or because I wanted to fit in, or whatever. I didn't trust God, and so I took things in my own hands, which usually led to sin.

Good stuff to think about! :)

1 comment:

DavitaJo said...

I miss those nuggets. : )