Sunday, June 22, 2008

Sunday Odds and Ends

Here's a random list of items! :)

1. The rivers (Iowa and Mississippi) are continuing to go down! The Iowa is predicted to be close to flood stage this coming weekend. It will take awhile for the Mississippi to go down, but it looks like it will go down at a fairly steady pace.

2. It hasn't rained in a week!!!!!! TOTAL praise!!!! This has greatly aided in the river going down and most likely paid a big part in the Big Ditch continuing to hold. We need it to stay dry for a little longer!

3. I was able to go to the Big Ditch today myself. I had tried a couple of other times, but the Guardsmen were patrolling and I wasn't able to get to it. Even though I've seen all of the pictures and saw it by air, it's a completely different thing to be at the water's edge, where there should be a road. There were all kinds of waves and white caps in the water. There's a pretty good current going through there, which is only further damaging everything. It's still not likely the water will be completely gone until August.

4. Mom and Dad took a boat to the house yesterday. I have pictures, which I will post soon. The water is still to the edge of the roof, so it's nearly impossible to see how much damage has been done. One of Dad's grain bins is leaning quite a bit. The water has gone down a couple of feet as you can see the water line. The neighbors' homes are not good. One house is off the foundation. Another's garage was torn off. Many are missing siding, shingles, and the glass is broken out of the windows. Sad.

5. I've been learning a lot about the history of the area and in my family. Lots of great blog ideas!

6. Thanks to those of you who have emailed and/or commented here or on Facebook. I'm sorry I haven't gotten back to most of you yet! Tomorrow I have no plans and no nephew-sitting commitments! Everyone will be at work, so I'm hoping to have some down time and get caught up on a few things, mainly communicating with friends!

7. Time to sleep - in a bed, in my own bedroom, without setting an alarm, and with the only thing on the morning agenda is getting coffee at the shop uptown!!! WOO HOO!! Never again will I take my simple one bedroom apartment for granted!

Good night! Have a great week!


Christy said...

It's funny to hear you talk about uptown Mepo! I'm jealous you get to spend the summer "at home" you know. Thanks for the updates!

Stephanie said...

Uptown Mepo is a happening place! There's the post office, Remember Inn, Kline's, Apron Strings, the bank, Olde World...all kinds of good things, all on Main Street. :)

Ah..small towns. You have to love them. I'm currently mulling over entries for a "Top Ten List You Know You're In/From a Small Town." Oh yes, I think many of us would have things to list! Love it.

I wish you could be here, too, Christy!! If only you had the white Grand Am to drive into Burlington. :)